
莊明達完美演繹感動  沙畫不只是技術而已

隨著網路、媒體的發達,國人對於沙畫作品已經不算陌生,然而資訊快速流傳伴隨的卻也是創意的仿製, 國人在欣賞沙畫、嘆為觀止的同時,能否細膩感受藝術家與作品背後的話語,看的 究竟是門道還是熱鬧?華人地區第一位完美演譯沙畫作品的莊明達表示:「沙畫不只是技術而已!」

資訊力第一  造就華人沙畫首席

提起開始做沙畫的過程,莊明達表示,所有成果對他來說一直都是進行式,而不是某天突發奇想就可以做起來的。 他表示,自己最早出身於電視公司的美術指導,媒體業對工作的要求就是「資訊力第一」。幕後 工作人員必須大量的接收國內外所有的新資訊,找出能夠吸引觀眾眼光的新東西,才有辦法拿下收視率。 正因為這樣的背景,讓莊明達無時無刻不在吸收新知,「很多外國流行已久的東西,我們早就知道,只是有沒有拿出來罷了。」一如他 的職業歷程,從特效化妝、人體彩繪到沙畫藝術師,靠的就是敏銳的資訊力再加上背後的自我苦學、轉化,最後才破繭而出,讓台灣的創新美學,一次次在他手裡寫下紀錄里程。 莊明達正式畫沙畫之前,早於十多年前已自行拍過沙的動畫,不過當時只是電視台的工作,拍完就結束了。 之後在2002年看到韓國為主辦的世界盃足球賽所拍的廣告,用阿里郎古樂搭配的動畫效果引起了他的注意, 「那支廣告片是用70%的沙畫動畫,加上30%的手畫沙畫完成的,於是我開始思考表演動態沙畫的可能性。」他進一步蒐集資料,發現世界上只有其他三人做 過沙畫:一是沙畫始祖,匈牙利的ferenc cako,不過他只有一件《創世紀》作品;二是以色列一位街頭藝人出身的女藝術家;三是專門在動物星球頻道畫動物的沙畫家。 也就是說,第一個將手畫沙畫,全面性的臻至到一項完備藝術的,莊明達是第一人。

Exclusive Interviews

Minta Conveys Inspiration to Perfection Sand Animation Is More than Technique

With the development of the media and the Internet, our compatriots are not unfamiliar with sand animation works. However, fast information spread is being accompanied by the copying of creativity. When our compatriots are admiring and lauding the art of sand animation, could they really feel the subtle messages hidden behind the artist and his or her works? Are they just jumping on the bandwagon without knowing why, or could they truly grasp the significance? The first and foremost sand artist who has brought this art to perfection in the Greater Chinese areas, Minta remarked, “Sand animation is more than technique.”

All-important Information Power Helps Cultivate Foremost Chinese Sand Artist

Recalling the commencement of his sand art process, Minta said that all of his achievement has been done in gradual progress, rather than being accomplished within one day because of some fancies. He added that, in the very beginning, he was working as an art director for a TV channel, and the demand for work in the media industry is “all-important information power.” In order to attain good ratings, the workers behind the scene have to receive a huge amount of new information from overseas and at home so as to discover novel stuff that can successfully draw the eye of the audiences. Thanks to such a background, Minta has been absorbing new knowledge anytime anywhere. “We already know a whole raft of things that have been popular overseas. We just haven't presented them in public.” Just like his work experience, from special effects makeup to body painting to sand art, what he has relied upon is sensitive information power in addition to the behind-scene hard work, transformation and metamorphosis. As a result, the milestones of Taiwan’s innovative aesthetics have been erected by him several times in a row. Prior to Minta’s formal engagement in sand art, he had shot a clip about sand animation by himself approximately a decade before. However, that time was only for a program of the TV station, and was finished for good after the shooting. Then in 2002, he saw an advertisement produced for the World Cup hosted by South Korea, in which the sand animation work to the accompaniment of ancient Korean music drew his attention. “That advertisement clip used 70% of sand animation and 30% of manual sand art, so I began to think of the possibility of sand animation performance.” Minta further collected related data and discovered that there were only three sand artists in the world at that time. One was the father of sand art Hungarian Ferenc Cako, who only created a work, titled “Genesis”; another was an Israeli female artist who had been a street artist originally; and the other was a sand artist drawing animals exclusively for the Animal Planet channel. That is to say, Minta is the first artist to comprehensively bring manual sand art to perfection.
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